Hellohh everybody , since long time i have been posting .
Haha , cos lazy to post and don't know what to post .
Well , today went to RED CROSS Disabled , to help those disabled people in need .
Okay , let's start from morning . This morning , i woke up at 7am , and bath ,blah blah ...
Then , meet jobina,joyce,justa,lynn at bb control station there .
After that , went mc for breakfast , and while waiting for vannessa wan to come .
LOL , then we laughs alot and chatting while eating .
After our breakfast , went to bb interchange to meet with everyone .
Then , went to take bus 176 to meria hs . Actually , it was quite near .
Haha , alight and walk together to meria hs .
I can tell u that meria's hs , was cool . Have their own personal lift in there .
LOL , then practise the songs in her hs and after that , her mother give us some drinks .
About 1050 , i think so , we walked to the red cross there .
Not really far , so reached there for a while then were taking pictures,
while waiting for teachers to come . (: Then , laughs alot and take quite a few pictures .
LOL , then went into the red cross there with mdm tay , miss siti , miss dawn .
Went to a room to put down our bags first . Then , went to help carry food and other stuffs out and display them infront of the stage . Haha , quite heavy for somethings . Then went to help
carry the chairs and put them nicely . After that , went to help the diasabled to push their wheelchairs out and let them stay infront of the stage there . Blah blah blah , then waiting for the mp and the lion dance performance . Then is our turn to perform on stage . After quite long ,
We wentup the stage and sing sing sing , yue liang dai biao wo de xin and dayung sampan .
AFter the perfromance , then take a few pictures and went to feed the disabled with justa .
Then , push those people up to their room and carry those things up again to level 2 .
Was a human helper , haha , then passing those stuffs to justa and on and on .
LOL , then can train my musle of my thighs there loiring after that . Suddenly , it started to rain and we run in the rain to bring the chairs to the shelter . Lol , then was drenched .
Was effing cold after that , and took our oranges , blah blah blah . And , mdm tay released us .
Walked out the red cross , then went to take bus 176 again with justa,lynn,jobina,ziqin,joyce,sherlly,and some seniors also . Haha , alighted at the wm opp.
there . And took the mrt alone back home . And , now here posting . :D
Will be posting the pictures other time , cos now going to do my homework and revised for maths liao . Byebye xD
Labels: A tiring day but fun as though it was tired .
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:27 AM